White hairy stuff


New Member
I have noticed some white hairy looking stuff on one of my live rocks. I was wondering if this is normal or could it be bad for fish and corals. I'm kinda new at this, so any advice would help.
46 gal bow front, LR, mushrooms, button polyps, green brain, hammer, flame angel, hippo tang, yellow tang, sebae clown, lawnmower blennie, green chromis, cleaner shrimp, coral banded shrimp, blue leg hermits, red leg hermits and multiple types of snails, emerald green crab, and a serpent star.


New Member
I've got the same thing happening.
THE STUFF IS EVERYWHERE!!!! I even found some of it in the biowheel filter.
I bought my tank over the weekend and when I rearranged the live rocks, I saw it all over the bottoms of them. I asked the last owner of the tank, he said it's a form of fanworm. He wasn't very smart, so I don't trust him.
I'm very concerned that it's a parasite, I've posted the same question elsewhere and I'll forward any responces here for ya.
Hopefully you don't have an undergravel filter like I do, I haven't checked but it's probably choked and clogged with that crap.


Active Member
Very common accurance in newer tanks. A type of sponge I believe. Harmless filter feeder. You'll see them dissapate over time. No worries mate.
Good Luck!


New Member
Thanks for your help with this. Thank goodness there isn't alot of it so far. I saw a post in another forum that this could be worms of a type.
I.m glad to know it's not dangerous to any of my little sea friends:) .


New Member
I went to a local fish dealer and he says it's either a form of sponge, or it's a worm that creates a calcium tube trail.


If it is long, like a hair, it could be a spaghetti worm. These are good as they eat left overs. If it is kind of flat and looks like a sponge, you should sea little tubes where the water shoots in and out. I have had these for quite some time. I have white ones and some orange ones. They did try to close up a hitchhiker clam I have, but I just picked them off.


New Member
I really appreciate everyone's help in trying to determine what this hairy stuff is. It has kinda long ( 1 inch ) pieces that branch here and there and are flat looking, and it's on one little area. The area is about 2 - 3 inches around on this one rock. I've had the rock for about 4 months, so apparently there's no telling what might pop out at any stage, uh.
Anyway, thanks everyone for your replies!:)


I will agree with MrMaroon -- speghetti worms. I had them all over the tank. They were kind of interesting to watch. One patch that was close to the sand would scoop up sand and eat....... well, whatever they eat and all discard the sand. After several weeks I had this huge mound of sand piled up where they had started to make a sandcastle.