white lips and spots on fins


New Member
After a year of reading thousands of messages, this is the first time I have posted a thread. 2 weeks ago I purchased 2 percula clowns from a store that does all there own breeding. Both clowns are very young and I noticed they have some spots on them and one appears to have enlarged white lips. The fish store suggested I do a fresh water dip for 1-2 min, but I can't catch the little fellas. Any suggestions? I have heard about garlic extrac, but not sure if this works.


New Member
Just read Beth's sticky.
The 2 percs are the only fish and there are various corals and inverts in the tank. The fish act normal in terms of eating and breathing. The symtoms or spots have been there for 2 weeks. They are in a 15 gallon high tank which was set-up 6 weeks ago with everything from my 10gallon tank when I moved. The 10 gallon was set-up for just over 1 year. Just started feeding brine, flake and formula 1. No quarantine. Haven't checked water param.