white lips on coral beauty


New Member
I just got a coral beauty (small) angelfish last week. It seems to be doing fairly well, but I've noticed the last few days its lips are turning white - seem a little puffy. It doesn't seem to feed when I put food in the tank - spirulina, etc, but it has been picking like crazy on any algae on the glass and it seems to be feeding off the live rock.
What I'm wondering is if it's a disease (cotton mouth?), or could it be from something else in the tank. I have mostly soft corals, mushrooms and the like - although I am battling a large aptasia infestation at the moment. I also have a Florida condi - but it seems to have taken residence deep into the rock.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be great.


New Member
In case anyone cares...the white color is receding at this point. I haven't actually done anything with the fish - it started eating really well, so maybe the color was stress induced.