white little balls all over my tank glass


New Member
i dont know what is happening to the tank, but i have these little white balls on some of my lr and on the tank glass.what is it?
is it just little bubbles or what...help!!!!


New Member
if thats what it is, thats cool but it makes cleaning the brown algae of the glass..will i kill the little fellers?


do the little balls (as you call them) move. if they do, they could be copepods and they are good. Not too sure about them being featherdusters, do they have little feathery tops? How big are they? (.) or bigger?


Active Member
Are the swirl shaped? I have a bunch of these growing in my tank and they appear to be small feather dusters. I read that they stay relatively small (this type of FD). I scraped off the ones on the front of the glass and the sides but leave em on the back. I use a sponge back there to clean and it doesn't remove them most of the time if I am gentle.