white live rock


have tank set up for about six months with about 150 pounds of liverock and some fish. Problem is rock does not see to be flourishing with stuff and all I see is like white dusty particles that lool like that rocks are turning white


Coraline needs good lighting to spread. I am not talking about reef lighting but at least power compact would be good. You need to get your alk and calcium up to recommended levels. And you need good flow.
I would maybe get new bulbs for your fixture, hopefully power compact, 50/50 bulbs would be great.
Get a good calcium and alk test kit.
Get some additives to increase calcium and alk if they test low.
Buy a couple more powerheads and add them to your tank.
It will take a little time and patience once you get those things right before you will see the coraline spreading.


Originally Posted by BexleyFish
keep in mind that any florescent light loses about half of its output after a year of use
This is generally true - however - when using electronically ballasted T8 and T5 lamps the "lumen maintenance" (amount of light put out by the lamp) is far superior and, over the life of the lamp, will only lose a small percentage of it's lumen output.


you dont need good lights for coraline algea growth. I just have 2 20watt t12 flourescents and mine is doing great. All I add is arga milk, it stabilizes the ph and adds calcium. but what was said about the new bulbs is totally true. When the bulbs get old, you get nothing but hair. Also the choice of flourescent bulb colors probably plays a part. I have 1 actinic and 1 powerglo. Good luck....


New Member
I used PurpleUp becuase my coraline was turning white. It clouds up the tank a little but has helped stop whitening and bring back purple to the coraline.