white lumps on clowns


I have 2 percs in a fish only tank and they have what I could best describe as lumpy white things on them. Anyone have an idea what it might be and how I could treat it. Also in the tank is a coral beauty, yellow watchman goby and a cleaner shrimp. All other inhabitants appear to be in good health.Thanks for any info.


Staff member
More details about what you are seeing on the clowns needed. How long have you had these fish?


Have had them about a month. Its a white growth mostly on their dorsal fin , but now spreading on other fins. (This is not Ich, I do know what that is.) Looks like a hard ``growth``, kind of round looking. They are eating everytime I feed and are moving around as if nothing is wrong. They were the last fish introduced to the tank and looked "fine "at the store. All other critters in the tank look normal. I dont have current parameters on my water but when I checked them last, all were in range. I do my water test in the morning before the lights come on so will let you know tomarrow what they are. Tried to take a pic, but they didnt come out. Thanks for any info.


Terry B. That would be the best describition I give. Someone told me that percs could be fresh water dipped for a couple of minutes and that doing so might help them out. Any opinions on that or anything else to do to get rid of this? Thanks


Staff member
If what you are seeing is Lymphocystis, then FW dips is not the answer. In fact, there is no cure for lymph. This is a viral disease, sorta like the herbes sores that you get on your lips. The best treatment is maximizing water quality and environmental conditions and providing the fish with quality and varied foods that are vitimin enriched. Zoecon is a very good vit supplement to use to soak food.