White particles alll over my 29g biocube


Ever since I put my clown fish, snails, and hermits, on Monday. I started to get white particles all over my water. What is this stuff?
Is it time for a water change? New Filter? Or any suggestions?


sounds like the snails and crabs are stiring the sand some so what little bit of air that may have been lodged on the sand or debris is coming loose. it should slowly stop as the trapped air is dislodged.


well you didnt say you were adding anything to the tank LOL
I dont care for most additives a water change adds 90% of it back into the system.
What is your calcium at if its to high it can preciptate back into the tank.


You may also want to check your phosphate level. If it is high and your Ph is in the normal range to high range it will also precipitate out. If this is the case you can just vacuum it out and try to lower you phosphate input to the tank. Check your make up water for high phosphate levels, don’t over feed your tank and run a Protein skimmer.


Okay thanks. I was just thinking about chaning 5 gallons of water every two weeks, and not use a protein skimmer yet. I haven't got a test kit yet. My LFS Store is testing my water every week right now. I was going to get a test kit maybe next week. (The test strips). All my levels were perfect so far. I think it might be the sand because one part of my floor in the aquarium is missing a section of sand, either of the water pump (circulation), or of one of my crabs/snails.


Angle Mine is doing the same thing. I also have a 29 Bio Cube. Watch your crabs, mine is pulling stuff off the live rock causing the white particles.


Yea my crabs are tearing lots of stuff off my new live rocks which causes a lot of white particles to fly all over the tank.


Okay I just looked at my tank and the crabs are doing that....For those of you with the biocube 29 has some of your sand in the left front corner get circulated around the tank, and there is no sand at all anymore in that corner?


Hi Angel...Move your powerhead discharge up a little. What is happening is that the flow is hitting the front glass and going down in the coroner causing this. I'm talking from experience again....LOL If you move it up, it will also give a little more movement on the water surface.


Sorry which one is the powerhead discharge??? I tried to look in the manual and can't find it....
And do people have the filter how the picture shows it in the manual or do they have it facing the second chamber??
My LFS store set it up for me and he has it facing the second chamber instead on how the instructions show it. Is this right?


Active Member
Top left hand corner inside of the tank. The nozzle thing moves up-down-and around. Move it so it points up a little more. Why are you dosing anything. The best thing to remember is not to dose anything that you haven't tested for and know you need. Also please do not buy the test strips. They are not accurate and will let you down in the long run.
How about some pictures. You show me yours and I'll show you mine.


Active Member
No not the strips. Buy the test kits that have you add something to the water to turn it a color. Sometimes powder sometimes liquids. I use Instant Ocean Reefmaster. I have checked the results against a number of LFS tests and the are good so far.


Thanks...How do you have your filter on your biocube facing towards the middle chamber, or like the instructions have it?


remove the filter or you will pay,if you dont want to take it out turn it and let all the chambers fill


Active Member
Don't remove the filter IMO. Just do a modification on the wall of the chamber going from #1 to #2. The little slot that is there at the top just widen it some. Wider not deeper. This will increase the flow from chamber !3 to #2. Also remove the plate at the bottom of chamber #1 and when you put the filter in the correct way push it down a little farther so that the water is allowed to go through the hole in the top of the filter pad. (the hole in the plastic) this also allow icreased flow and still filters the water mechanically. I change mine about once per week. But I have also modded one of the pads. Took off the white material, emptied out the carbon. Bought some pads at the LFS that are DIY cut to fit and attach them to the empty plastic holder. I get some that are impregnated with phosphate remover, and some that are just white. I also put in a standard biocube pad about once a month just to polish the water with the carbon. There is nothing wrong IMO wih mechanical filtration as long as you maintain it properly.
The mods that I have told you about are not mine but things I have learned from this site and others. Hope they help you as they did me.


all my chambers are filled up..I have my filter facing the second chamber...Also I heard both good and bad things about the filter, but it hasn't blocked any of my water flow.


So I moved the power head and there started to be a leak from the bottom of the black lid that was attached to the aquarium in one spot where the powerhead was making the water hit.
What should I do now? Is it a defect, or should I get rid of some water?


Active Member
Sounds like you have the powerhead aimed too high. it should just be ruffling the top of the water not causing a fountain effect.