White Pimples on fish


Ok, so I've been treating my 125 gallon fish only tank with hyposalinity for the past 4 weeks, and have now dealt with a bacterial infection (bleeding) on my Yellow Tang, which is now cured via Maracyn-Two, but my Hippo Tang has all of these white pimple-like things on him, which seem to be getting worse. The Yellow Tang is starting to display them also. Could this be possible, even though I've been treating the tank with hyposality at 1.009 for 4 weeks? Is this something other than Ich? All tank parameters are now normal (within acceptable specs), after getting rid of the antibiotics. Still treating with Hyposalinity though.
I'm stumped. Please help.
Tank inhabitants: newest fish is 4 months in tank
Clown Trigger
Passer Angel
Domino Damsel
Powder Blue Tang
Yellow Tang
Hippo Tang
Tomato Clown
Watchman Gobie


sounds like ich to me.. ur sure its not? have u added any fish recently. also exact parameter would help if u have them.


Active Member
clown trigger is not a good idea for the tankmates and tank size. a 180 would be a good tank size for a clown trigger IMO


So you think the white bumps are not ich?? I'm kinda confused. You think it is something else because your tank has been in hypo for 4 weeks? There are other diseases that form white bumps, can you get a pic? I wouldn't rule out ich even if your tank has been in hypo for four weeks. Is this the first ich outbreak in your tank? How long ago did it start?


Well, I've had a problem taking a picture that comes out clear. I'm no photographer, and fish don't like to stay still.
Water parameters are as follows: Nitrates 20, phosphates 1.5, PH 8.2
Hyposalinity treatment with 1.009
I'm just really confused, because I've never seen this disease before. They are white pimple-like bumps that protrude from the skin. They are larger than typical Ich. They almost look like white warts.
I'm just wondering what to treat the tank with? :notsure:
any ideas what this could be? Could this be a bacteria and not a parasite?
I really wish I had a pic. Sorry.


Staff member
Can you look at the Diseased Fish Thread and see if anything looks familiar.
A display tank should not be treated with antibiotics.


I have looked and looked and looked for something that looks like this, but haven't found anything. They literally look like white warts that are raised from the skin, but also imbedded in the skin. I saw something on the forum that talked about Brook.....something or other. Could this be that? I have done Formalin baths in the past. Should I try this? Also, is it possible for Ich to be visibly present after 4 weeks of Hypo? Doesn't make sense to me.
Yes, I know I shouldn't have treated the display tank with anti-biotics, but my QT was "under construction" and I was getting really desperate and nervous.