white sabae and a bubble anemone


I just got two anemones and it says to target feed them krill and or brine shrimp or fish, how does one go about target feeding, what do you use to feed it with, i have frozen brine and freeze dried krill. any help would be great
Thank you


this may sound stupid, but how often do they need to be fed and should i feed them something different sometimes? im new to all of this so any help is great
thank you


New Member
My roommate feeds his Anemones once about week, but see what some other people do. It may vary with species
I just use salad tongs and stick the food in his mouth (the center) It depends on the anemone how much it needs to be fed. Some like to be fed a few times a week, to every other day, which also makes them grow. I usually feed mine once or twice a week though. Though, the anemone does also feed on the waste products of the clownfish(es).


is it possible that if their not hungry they wont eat or maybe dont like the food, ive had mine for a weekd and a half now and the buble will eat but the white sabae wont what i have for food is dried krill when i put it in the tentacles the thing moves like crazy but the almost like he spits it back out. any help is greatly appreciated
Oh yes, they can be very picky eaters. I had one that would only eat clams. Wouldn't touch nothing else but clams. So you might have to try a whole bunch of different foods before you find the one it likes.


Which would you rather eat a dried krill or a tender shrimp :notsure:
Just kidding.
Try a variety of Mysis shrimp, silversides, frozen zooplankton, chopped shrimp, scallops, cyclopezee, or other meaty type foods like that.
By the way, you all know that a white anemone means its unhealthy, right?