White Sebae Anemone HELP!!


I just got myself a White Sebae Anemone about a week ago
The anemone has a clown fish that has started to attach to it..
Lights ON, the anemone seems to shrink down and at night it fully extends and looks great...
It has recently moved into a cave almost upside down.
My tank is a jbj 24 nano cube. My lights are on for about 11hours out of the day. There is a total of 72watts of Power compact 50/50 bulbs...(2x 36w)
My water temp is steady at 82'F
Salinity 1.023
Everything else is normal, but why is it shrinking during the day? Do I still need to feed it even though it has a clownfish and the strong lights? How often do I feed?


yes it still needs to be feed try atleast once or teice a week. seabae are not naturally white they turn white when they bleach out and get stressed. right now you have a unhealthy anemone. even with good lighting it will be a stuggle to keep it alive. the clown will try to feed the anemone but you will need to target feed it so that you know its getting feed. next thing is that the anemone will move into a shaded area usually to get away from the light my guess is that the anemone was kept under the right light to start with and thats part of what cuased it to bleach out.
one thing to remember when looking at anemones a white anemone is not a good choice always look for drak colors and full extenstion at the store before you purchase one. o yeah and something else NEVER buy one that has un-natural colors like bright yellow or pink 99.9% of them are dyed and will die a long death.
Hope it makes it though just keep trying to feed it and keep water quality up in the tank so it has the best possible chance.


something else I forgot to add is I would bump the salinity up alittle higher to 1.025-1.026 its a better range for inverts. and is the tank a constant 82 degrees or does it flucuate. thats is on the high end of the scale I like to keep mine 78-80 degrees.

royal gang

Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
yes it still needs to be feed try atleast once or teice a week. seabae are not naturally white they turn white when they bleach out and get stressed. right now you have a unhealthy anemone. even with good lighting it will be a stuggle to keep it alive. the clown will try to feed the anemone but you will need to target feed it so that you know its getting feed. next thing is that the anemone will move into a shaded area usually to get away from the light my guess is that the anemone was kept under the right light to start with and thats part of what cuased it to bleach out.
one thing to remember when looking at anemones a white anemone is not a good choice always look for drak colors and full extenstion at the store before you purchase one. o yeah and something else NEVER buy one that has un-natural colors like bright yellow or pink 99.9% of them are dyed and will die a long death.
Hope it makes it though just keep trying to feed it and keep water quality up in the tank so it has the best possible chance.
Once a week? That's mean.


yes once or twice a week. its like trying to feed someone dying of starvation feeding them to much can cause more harm than good.


I dont feed my LTA but once every 2-3 weeks when they are healthy they get alot of what they need from the light. when I target feed my corals but other than that I dont feed the tank at all. sometimes its more like once a month or so.

royal gang

Active Member
Whoa What a noob I am........|


LOL most of my fish are grazers so they are always picking on the rocks and algae so feeding isnt a big deal. and most all corals benefit from occasional feeding but 99% of them get most of what they need from the lights.


my tanks is constantly at 82... i raised it due to it fluctuating with the lights..
the anemone was at a generic pet shop with really bad lighting..
the anemone looks identicle to the one for sale on this website


I raised my salinity 1.025
I fed the anemone with a syringe, i made a solution of some frozen brine shrimp, some prime reef flake... and i squeezed it into his mouth... he seemed to take it all


here are some pics I took right before it moved into the cave..
the first pic is during the day
and the second pic is at night..



Wow, part acclimation shock and the loss of the zooxanthellae.
In my experience 72 watts will not cut it with this anemone. Flat out you'll need more. In this case almost all sebae's need MH lighting. It will take a few months to see good improvement
MTX is right on with his post and I agree.


I really am limited with lighting because of the nano cube tank..
Will it thrive with the current lighting and weekly feedings? My water column is only 12" deep, does that make a difference?


From all the knowledge that I have, In my opinion, this sebae is and will be on a slow decline to death with that lighting.
Stranger things have happend though..