white sebae & peppermint shrimp


New Member
i recently got a fiji tomato clown, and white sebae. well they didnt really hit it off, and have not formed the relationship i was hoping, so i ordered a anemone crab from swf.c, it hasnt arrived yet, and this morning when i got home from work, one of my peppermint shrimp were all over the anemone, which was flattened down like he was gonna puke his guts out, and the peppermint shrimp appeared to be grubbing my cnidarian. so i gentley, with my hands, moved the cnidarion to a calmer area, less ambient life, and stared intentley at the lil guy, face pressed to the acrylic hoping not to see the tell-tale sign of death, the disintegration of my beloved anemone. what can i do?? nothing is spewing out of the anemone, but he is not bloated w/ h2o or moving much. if the shrimp grubbed around the mouth/anus, which i tenderly call a mounus, will the cnidarian be able to regenerate? or do i say skip it, flush the lil white hype, and get the electric green carpet and hope he eats the stuffing out of some shrimp scampi?


New Member
Pepermint shrimp eat anemonies so i would just get rid of them for a more notible shrimp such as a pistor or glass shrimp. The glass shrimp will interact with your anemony every now and then and is just an awsome shrimp to begin with.


There is hardly any public outcry about peppermint shrimp eating our regular hosting anemones, aiptaisa yes, but the others no.
There is an occational act of violence by a peppermint shrimp that runs off with a tentacle of an anemone, it is rare and this simply shows that the shrimp are not getting enough food, and should be spot fed.
It also brings up the question of if you have peppermint or camel back shrimp.
If you have a sick, injured or dieing anemone then as an oppertunistic critter your shrimp would sure rumage around looking for a free meal or even half eaten meal inside of the anemone, he might even tear it apart looking for something useful to eat. But they don't seek out and destroy them like they do with aiptaisa.