Can anyone give me some advise with this?
I've had a Longnose Butterfly in quarantine for about three weeks now and about one week in he developed what appears to be white spot. He looks lightly salted! After noticing the spots I dropped the S.G. down to 1.013 and treated with Clout and RxP. I figured that the combination of the 3 would surely wipe out any parasites. After a week of treatment the spots seemed to be untouched. A yellow tang and a raccoon butterfly have been added to the QT in this third week about 5 days ago (Had no choice but to add them, no room elswhere.) and so far no sign of the same spots. I have not witnessed any flashing from any of the fish, and all, including the longnose, are eating extremely well and show no signs of stress. I can't figure out what the deal is with this longnose because there is definitely something there especially evident in the caudal fin. Other than the spots though this is pretty much the healthiest longnose I've ever seen attacks food, attacks my hand to get it, fins erect, calm breathing, never hides, vibrant colour, and white spots! Anyway, if anyone can recommend something else that I can do to get rid of these spots as they may not seem to be having an affect in QT, but I'm sure this would be a relentless parasite in a display aquarium and would like to eradicate this finally. Thank you in advance for any help.
I've had a Longnose Butterfly in quarantine for about three weeks now and about one week in he developed what appears to be white spot. He looks lightly salted! After noticing the spots I dropped the S.G. down to 1.013 and treated with Clout and RxP. I figured that the combination of the 3 would surely wipe out any parasites. After a week of treatment the spots seemed to be untouched. A yellow tang and a raccoon butterfly have been added to the QT in this third week about 5 days ago (Had no choice but to add them, no room elswhere.) and so far no sign of the same spots. I have not witnessed any flashing from any of the fish, and all, including the longnose, are eating extremely well and show no signs of stress. I can't figure out what the deal is with this longnose because there is definitely something there especially evident in the caudal fin. Other than the spots though this is pretty much the healthiest longnose I've ever seen attacks food, attacks my hand to get it, fins erect, calm breathing, never hides, vibrant colour, and white spots! Anyway, if anyone can recommend something else that I can do to get rid of these spots as they may not seem to be having an affect in QT, but I'm sure this would be a relentless parasite in a display aquarium and would like to eradicate this finally. Thank you in advance for any help.