white spot ich@#$$@!@


New Member
Have my tank for about 8 months. never had to medicate, but my Cole Tang has a bad case of white spot (ICH). where do I start.
Should I buy a small tank for medication purposes? Woke this morning and he's hiding out in the rocks. How long does he have if not treated right away. May not be able to do anything until tomorrow morning.
Any tips? Thanks


If you have LR, LS, or any inverts in the tank, yes, go get a small QT tank. Be sure to leave the main tank fishless for a min of 30 day to let the ick die off(this means ALL of your fish will have to go to the hospital tank no matter what.) There are two effective ways of treating ick, copper, and hypo(both will kill all inverts) all the other reef safe products, and so on are a waste of valuable money IMO. If ya got any questions just let me know and I can be alot more detailed on how to do these treatments! HTH :D