white spot on sixline


New Member
Ive had the sixline for about two weeks now and hes been doing great. Three days ago i got to clowns from the lfs. Well tonight i noticed a white spot on the sixlines back fin. Could this be ich? And could it have been caused by stress of the clowns being introduced?
salt: 1.021
Temp: 79
I dont know what to do about it


Do you have a pic? They are really hard to get sick may be the stress as you added so many fish in such a shot time. Usually you add fish over a period of months.


Chances are it isn't ICH. Most all Sixlines have a white spot on the upper portion of their back fin. Mine has a black circle within the white circle. Do a google search for sixline wrasse and look at some of the images. If if looks similar you are probably all good


Active Member
Mine has a similar spot...but now mine is acting very weird.
Bruder...what kind of car does Jim Tressel own?????


Mine also has this spot with the white around it. I dont think it is ich as it is stated many places they are very resistant but as we all know this does not mean they get it. Does it look like it shouldnt be there? Ich looks like salt crystals on the fish.


Originally Posted by browniebuck
Bruder...what kind of car does Jim Tressel own?????
Is it a Llyod Carr. Oh you OSU fans, so witty


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bruder
Is it a Llyod Carr. Oh you OSU fans, so witty

Very good...I say, give that man a liffetime contract extension. I guess you guys now know how Buckeye fans felt during the Cooper years


Active Member
If you look up close, is it really just a spot or does it look almost like a fuzzy white cluster?


It may be ich check the Illness and treatment page.
Your going to have to be very careful and check on him.
Is he flashing/scratching?


Active Member
Originally Posted by FlCandy
It may be ich check the Illness and treatment page.
Your going to have to be very careful and check on him.
Is he flashing/scratching?
I agree. Also, it sounds like you didn't quarantine the clownfish. A QT will save you big bucks, lots of work, and fish life in the long run.


That is my next major investment before I get anything else as I want a flame angel and know they come with diseases most of the time.
I dont want to kill my buddies I have had for over 6 months now.
Your wrasse probably got the ich from the clown as they are extremely hardy and mine was healthy as a horse when I got him from SWF.com


That I believe would be around the edges of the fin. I would suspect ICH from the clowns and the stress of being put into a new tank.
Did you check the disease thread?


Eh. I'm still not sold without a picture. Not that clowns don't get ICH nor are they bulletproof, but I don't doubt it is ICH. A pic would be great.