White Spot


I have had this Flame Angel in QT for about 2.5 months. I have been reluctant to move it into the show tank because i had a small ICK outbreak so i wanted to make sure it was gone first. I have since moved the puffer, the tang and the Skunk Clown back into the show tank. I wanted to make sure another outbreak didnt happen before i put the Flame in there. But now the flame is in the QT with the damsels.....he is developing a white patch on his side. Its a rather big patch so i know it isnt ick. I have heard of something called white spot that fish get but i did a search on here and only thing that came up was ICK. Should i get some antibiotics to treat the fish?


Staff member
What are you feeding the angel? What are the water readings in the QT?
How is the fish behaving otherwise? White spot is ich.
How did you treat the ich?


Everything in the QT is Ammonia & Trites & Trates are all 0. Salinity is 1.009 (did hyposalinity to cure the ICK). I am feeding frozen brine, krill and some spirulina flakes. He also gets some freeze dried seaweed. He eats normal and doesnt seem effected by it. I know for sure it isnt ick....the spot is about the size of his fin. He is about 4 inches...full grown. I am assuming its some type of fungus.


never mind....guess it was worse then i thought. He was belly up when i got off work today.