White Spots Blue Chromis Damsel


New Member
I have 2 blue Chromis Damels, a clown and pygmy angel in a 30 gal tank. Everyone is/was doing well until out of the blue one of the blue cromis developed white blotches on its back. It still is very active, eats, etc. thanks goodness none of the other fish have anything. What is recommended treatment ? Should I remove from tank?


Staff member
Sign of stress for fish, not disease. He is probably the smaller of the 2 chromis, right?


New Member
Both (blue damsels) are about same size good 3" inches. It is a very white puffy growth on top of back. Iwas out of town for three days and did not notice prior to leaving. All the fish ahve been together in tank for at least 30 days with no prior sign of problem.


Staff member
Ok, that description comes across differently. Can you post a picture? Or look at the pictures in the Diseased Fish Thread to see if anything looks similar.