I have an established 125 FOWLR with a wet/dry and a 40 gallon refugium. I would say the system has a total of 180 gallons of water in it. Live stock list: Queen Angel, Yellow Tang, Naso Tang, Coral Beauty, Mandarin, 2 ocellaris, 2 damsels, 1 gold neon goby, 1 blue neon goby, as well as snails, cleaner shrimp, and starfish. My water parameters are all in check 0 ammonia 0 nitrites 10 nitrates ph 8.1 temp 81
My blue neon goby has white spots on him that look like ich, but I have not added any fish for quite some time and no other fish show any signs of disease. I have never had ich in the system that I am aware of. I quarantine all new fish.
This fish is quite old and I think it may be dying of old age (not sure of the lifespan of these fish). Are there any factors related with old age that would make him appear to have white spots?
I hear conflicting information; some say ich is always in the water and stressed fish will get it, and others say it has be introduced (which makes more sense to me).
I'm not real worried as all my other fish seem to be doing great. I though about trying to catch it and just euthanize it, but I doubt I could catch the thing.
My blue neon goby has white spots on him that look like ich, but I have not added any fish for quite some time and no other fish show any signs of disease. I have never had ich in the system that I am aware of. I quarantine all new fish.
This fish is quite old and I think it may be dying of old age (not sure of the lifespan of these fish). Are there any factors related with old age that would make him appear to have white spots?
I hear conflicting information; some say ich is always in the water and stressed fish will get it, and others say it has be introduced (which makes more sense to me).
I'm not real worried as all my other fish seem to be doing great. I though about trying to catch it and just euthanize it, but I doubt I could catch the thing.