White Spots in Tank


New Member
I'm getting white spots showing up all over the inside of my tank. They are pretty hard and need to be scrapped off. Does anyone know what they are?


I have them too - I believe they are calcium deposits. I don't know where they come from or why they form but I believe they are fairly normal. I have been meaning to learn more about them myself.


Are they in the shape of a spiral? If so, they are tiny worms. I had them when I first started my aquarium and they eventually just went away. From what I understand, they thrive in an aquarium with a high amount of calcium.
If they aren't in the shape of a spiral, then I don't know.
Snail eggs?


New Member
No, they are not spiral, they are round bumps. They are showing up inside my filter as well as the inside of the tank, so I would not think they are eggs.