white spots on aquarium glass


New Member
Yesterday I noticed a lot of very small white spots on the glass of my aquarium, sort of looks like large salt particles, does anyone have any idea what I'm looking at and should I be concerned


what kind of snails do you have. there are some that lay there eggs in little white dots on the glass.


I dont mean to be thread crapping or anything, but I just noticed the same thing in my tank today also. I have turbo snails, and I just looked at them in the microscope and they are kinda spiralish, havent touched them so I dont know if they are hard or not, but are these eggs or something bad? Do I have to worry about them hatching and having like 100 snails in my 20 gallon tank? lol.
Sorry to post this in someone elses thread, but this seemed like as good of a place as any.
Thanks in advance for any help.


the spiral sounds more like a calerous worm that comes in on live rock its a filter feeding worm so it doesnt harm anything.


I was actually going to submit a thread like this....I too have hundreds of white specs on my glass....they actually look like tiny fried eggs....but with a very uniform shape of a circle with a slightly darker center.....??
I have about 7 zebra snails in my tank?
Any ideas?


I have the same snails and they have placed hundreds of those in my tank, those I am pretty sure are the eggs of the snail. but the spiral things are probably the worms.


not that I know of but I have only had these snails for a short time. they just start going crazy putting them everywhere about 3 weeks ago but nothing so far. I dont think I could see them anyway cause of all the rocks in the tank till they got bigger,


New Member
I adjusted my bifocals and looked close and the spots did turn out to be snails , I have to tanks and forgot that this tank does have some big snails in it, thanks everyone for the advice


New Member
sorry to change the subject but when i seen Tazewell VA i was like what the? no it can't be i'm in tazewell also, you know what they say about a small world. i don't post any but i do love looking at these awesome tanks and getting ideas. i have a 12 gal. as of now but a 75 is on the way.