white spots on clown trigger. not ich


red lobster

I have a 6" clown trigger in a 260 gallon tank. He has about 100 white spots on his body that protrude 1-2 mm and are about the size of an end of a piece of rice. They look abit fuzzy too. There was some recent ich so the tank is in hypo with some copper in as well. The clown is not scratching and eats like a pig.
Any ideas as to what may be causing this?


Staff member
Sounds like mature ich to me. Take a look at the fish with ich pictures in the Diseased Fish Thread.
What are you using to measure salinity for hypo?

red lobster

Hi Beth
I'm using a refractometer to measure the salinity.
I'll take a picture tonight and post it.
The trigger isn't scratching and eats like a pig.
The spots look alot bigger than the ich I have seen in the past. They look like little balls of cotton.
I'll get back with a pic.

red lobster

Here are a few pics.
Notice the white blotches on the triggers body and fins. In the center of the body there are 3 diagonal rows of these blotches. The blothches are equidistant from each other to.
There is also a pic of a blue angel with a skin condition of some sort. Some of my other angels have developed this too.
Symptoms on all the fish happened at about the same time.
This weekend I gave them a 20% water change.
I am adding buffer to the water.
I feed them mysis, seaweed selects ( trigger loves em) and my own frozen food mixture made of fresh shrimp, scallops, clams, a little beefheart. All is soaked in Zoe vitamins and Garlic extreme overnight before freezing.
This tank has been running almost 4 years and I have never experienced this condition before.
I have purchased a grounding system which I will install to remove any stray voltage.
pls help.


Staff member
That angel has HLLE. Please take a look at the pictures posted in the Diseased Fish thread and see if HLLE is your problem.
What are your water readings, how do you have your tank set up, size, etc.?

duece biga

New Member
im having the same problem with my clown trigger. My tank has little white bubbles in it all over i guess these are pods an now my clown trigger has these on him. Hes not acting any different an sleeps an eats well. Im trying to figure out what this is to an im not well educated on the whole ich thing? :help: