White spots

I noticed this morning that I have several tiny white spots on the glass and they appear to have several hairs coming off of them. They are not moving and are not any kind of pod. They are too small to take a photograph of. Does any one have an idea what they might be. I would like to get rid of them if they are bad. I have not noticed them anywhere other than on the glass.
Thats what they are. I only noticed them on the glass and my fish never really venture that way. From what I understand they will come and go in a normal tank.


Originally Posted by snookedsteve
Thats what they are. I only noticed them on the glass and my fish never really venture that way. From what I understand they will come and go in a normal tank.
you got it I still get them from time to time. I do notice them more when I add reef pods. Nothing to worry about


ok so hydroid jellies eh? i hope you all are right... i just added a royal gramma and clown goby to the 20 gal. and these things arE ALL over the glass and on my new fish but not on my false perc....
i did raise the temp a bit because i thought it was ich... but after seeing these pictures...
ill take your guys word for it.
Did you notice any spots on the fish when they were in the store because I only notice the spots on my glass. You may still have something different on the fish.