White Spots

I just noticed three small white dots on the body of my regal tang. They're all located behind and a little below the eye, but in front of the gill. He's breathing a little heavier than normal, but is still out swimming and eating well. I haven't noticed him scratching at all. My first thought of course was ick, but now I'm not sure. All the fish in the tank have been in there for over 15 months with no issues of ick previously. The only think added to the tank was some live rock 6 months ago and 3 corals in the past 3 months, the latest one this past weekend (Saturday). One, is it ick? Two, is it possible for ick to stowaway on a coral? (I didn't think so, but thought I'd check).
I'm going to pick up some garlic on the way home and try that as a first line of defense, before assessing the more painful options of catching all the fish and quarantining. Any other advice or diagnosis would be appreciated. Thanks.
No change last night. Still a couple of white spots and still some accelerated breathing. One spot looks round and the other one seems a bit oval. I'm still hoping it's not ick. He's still eating well and out swimming, so I'll just wait and see.