White stringy stuff


I am at a loss of words on how to describe this. I have this white stringy stuff that is all over one of my rocks and on the sand around this rock. It looks like its digging itself in the sand and transporting the sand back into the rock. This rock has lots of sand where this white/semi clear stuff is.
I would take a photo of this but it doesnt turn out.
Do anyone know what it may be?


Active Member
Originally Posted by tchrisp
Is it something that is good or bad for my tank?
It's good, nothing to worry about. It helps to clean! :happyfish


Um i wouldnt be so sure about that. Obviously you have to check your chemicals and your fish health. But the picture you paint of this organism dosent sound very pretty. If i were you, id probably remove it if for nothing else to make your tank look cleaner.


My water parmameters are perfect, fish are healthy. I checked that before i post this. It was something i saw a little during the day but when i turned off my lights last night i saw a diffrent world.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tchrisp
My water parmameters are perfect, fish are healthy. I checked that before i post this. It was something i saw a little during the day but when i turned off my lights last night i saw a diffrent world.
Probably Spionid worms. They build a home out of sand which they collect with these white tentacles which they also use for gathering food. I good thing to have in your tank, and you will see them vanish and show back up.
The picture in the hitchhiker thread does not show the white tentacles that your describing but they do have them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vanquish
Um i wouldnt be so sure about that. Obviously you have to check your chemicals and your fish health. But the picture you paint of this organism dosent sound very pretty. If i were you, id probably remove it if for nothing else to make your tank look cleaner.
What are you talking about? The organism is a "WORM" and it's VERY harmless and it helps to clean detritus. No need to remove it!!! Research on it before you make this comment again!!!


they are good they do clean if you have flake food you can put a flake down (if you can get it to stay) by a tube and it will come out and take it


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
What are you talking about? The organism is a "WORM" and it's VERY harmless and it helps to clean detritus. No need to remove it!!! Research on it before you make this comment again!!!
assuming its been correctly identified just on description. It could be anything at this point without pictures or more information.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
assuming its been correctly identified just on description. It could be anything at this point without pictures or more information.
Even without the pics of it, most of the worms are detritus eaters and some are filter feeders, they don't bother your other stuffs. So there's really nothing bad about'em! :happyfish



Originally Posted by Mikeyjer
What are you talking about? The organism is a "WORM" and it's VERY harmless and it helps to clean detritus. No need to remove it!!! Research on it before you make this comment again!!!

Originally Posted by Mikeyjer

Even without the pics of it, most of the worms are detritus eaters and some are filter feeders, they don't bother your other stuffs. So there's really nothing bad about'em! :happyfish
As a Marine Science major, all I have to say is You
need to do your
research buddy. Not all worms are "good". To the contrary, some are very BAD and will consume smaller fish and eat live rock and coral. Class Polychaeta for example, includes the beautiful feather dusters but also has some pretty bad members. If you don’t believe me, try picking up a large Hermodice carunculata, a type of fire worm, and you’ll figure it out pretty quickly, http://www.reefs.org/library/aquariu...97/0697_2.html for the full text on this.
Secondly, I was only talking about removing the animal in question for visual reasons because it sounds very unattractive. I don’t know what the heck it is, and there sure isn’t enough information for any one to say what it is, let alone whether or not it is beneficial to his tank. Quit being a hypocrite Mike, and do not lecture on invertebrate zoology ever again. By your general assumption, you clearly know nothing about the subject.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Vanquish
As a Marine Science major, all I have to say is You
need to do your
research buddy. Not all worms are "good". To the contrary, some are very BAD and will consume smaller fish and eat live rock and coral. Class Polychaeta for example, includes the beautiful feather dusters but also has some pretty bad members. If you don’t believe me, try picking up a large Hermodice carunculata, a type of fire worm, and you’ll figure it out pretty quickly, http://www.reefs.org/library/aquariu...97/0697_2.html for the full text on this.
Secondly, I was only talking about removing the animal in question for visual reasons because it sounds very unattractive. I don’t know what the heck it is, and there sure isn’t enough information for any one to say what it is, let alone whether or not it is beneficial to his tank. Quit being a hypocrite Mike, and do not lecture on invertebrate zoology ever again. By your general assumption, you clearly know nothing about the subject.
I really don't care your a marine science major, until you graduate, then start preaching!!! I have fire worm in my tank and they don't bother a thing, but of course I do not keep the large ones as I know they may cause potential problem. It can be unattractive to you, but it doesn't mean it's unattrative to other folks!!! That is YOUR opinion!!! I know MORE then you think in this hobby, don't assume!!! And don't call me a hypocrite, you have no right to call people stuffs at all what so ever! This is a chat forum to discuss stuff, not a name calling site! IF you would read your terms and agreement!! If you don't agree, so be it, but don't be calling people names. You can be a marine science major, that does NOT make you a expert!!! And YES I have picked up a fire worm before and YES it does NOT feel good. Peace out!


A little sensitive? For making such accusations you are blowing this disagreement completely out of proportion.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stanlalee
my wife doesn't even restart arguments 4 months later

:hilarious :hilarious