White things in the tank


Ok I know that i was givin the answere befor but i cant seem to find that post but someone had told me that there is a fish that eats all those live white things I think ther called Diatoms or something like that looks like live little particles of sand ...well anyways what was or is the fish that eat them up or should i just leave them alone, it makes my water look dirty any help will be apreciated!


what you could have is a foraminiferin <a href="http://www.reefs.org/hhfaq/img/Foramr.jpg" target="_blank">fmf</a> there are a couple different types but this kind is sand size. they seem to appear in groups then dissapear they die off and fall into the sand. then they show up again. my scooter will climb the glass and eat these things up and if i clean them off of the glass the other fish grab em. just harmless filter feeders thats all.
<a href="http://www.reefs.org/hhfaq/img/foramred.jpg" target="_blank">more fmfs</a>
<a href="http://www.reefs.org/hhfaq/img/foramwhite.jpg" target="_blank">fmfs</a> (this kind can actually move they have a foot to push them but its so slow you probably wouldnt even notice)


Active Member
Six line wrasses eat pods for that matter most wrasses eat pods, What am I thinking most small reef fish eat pods as well as most reef shrimp. I guess at the top of my list would be a Six Line Wrasse or Coral Banded Shrimp.