white things?


Okay if I ever find my cord to connect my camera up to the computer I will have pics. There are lots of little white things on my rock which I just noticed yesterday. They look kind of like very little white worms, I can not get them off the rock. They are on a great majority of my rock. What are they and should I get rid of them?
75gal been running for 2 1/2 years
40lbs lr
1 yellow tang
1 hippo
1 clown
1 dwarf angel
1 sea serpent
1 sea urchin
lots of hermit crabs


Active Member
Originally Posted by blue20051
Probally copepods, they are a good thing for your tank. They provide nutrients for your fish..
I disagree. Copepods would not let you get near them with with anything. Furthermore copepods are shrimp looking creatures that are extremely fast and shy. Tehy do not stick to a rock and not move.
A pic would help, otherwise i am guessing.


New Member
I think I have had these before and they eventually started appearing on the glass. They kinda look like a thick, short piece of string rolled up. I never could find out what they were, other than a type of worm.