Whitehead? on Clown. What is this and how to treat?


My clown fish has what appears to be a white head on her. If you look at the pic you can see what appears to be a whitehead on the body. She had one just like it under her lower lip about 5 days ago, it was white for a day, then red for two days and now its almost gone. But just yesterday she got another one on her body, notice the pic..
What is it and do I need to treat it?

mr. limpid

Active Member
If it the only spot and is cottony in appearance is most like Lymphocystis. Which there is no medicine that will cure this. Only good quality water and good nutrition and time. The only thing you can do is add fresh garlic and vitamins to its food. This will help its immune system. I'm currently have a fish in my Qt with same problem its been 2 1/2 months and its just starting to look better. Also the viro infection is contagious so don't be surprise if all your fish get it.