whitish things on my arcill tang?


hi,terry u respond on my last notice,,thankx
looks like ick is gone after redosing with copper.i tested this morning ..it was .4ppm
but i have other prob, now(((
my arcills tang has a whitish looks like gelly thing around his head and few on his eye?i never saw something like that.but my other fish good even pb tand is fine.i dont now whats going on,,,please help...thankx michael


Staff member
Please give more detailed discription of the problem. Tangs are prone to head and lateral line disease, and particularly vulnerable to this following a disease process and treatment with harsh medication.
Head and Lateral Line Erosion {HLLE} is sometimes mistaken for a whitish substance. It is actually erosion of the fish's tissue. The fact that this is occuring on your tang's head and eye area makes it seem more likely that HLLE is what you are dealing with, as that is the area exactly where HLLE appears.
Look carefully and see if you can distinquish between exposed skin erosion or an actual substance on the fish. The other alternative would be a bacterial infection. This looks a bit slimmy and usually has a whitish-grey appearance. With bacterial infections, however, you will usually notice other problems in the fish. For instance, red strecks, frayed fins, swollen red gills.
Give more details. Use a magnifying glass and take a good look at the fish so that you can give a good description.


thankx for respond
they were like greyish thing...soud like bacterial infection.i tryed to give him
fresh water dip :(of cause i buffer first) and belive it or not it work...those thing was gone right away,he got a little cloudy eyes,but this morning he was fine.do u guys think i still have to treat tank with some med. or not.
other fish doing fine,no problem so far
p.s.i start removing copper last nite with coprisorb.