Who "ATE" my coral ??


I had 2 pieces of colt that I just cut from a very large main piece. They were about 2" long and rubber banded to a piece of rubble rock with a toothpick thru their bottom.I cut them 24 hrs ago, at 5pm today they looked normal, all polyps extended, at 8pm both toothpicks were cleaned off!! I have 2 damsels and a yellow tang in the tank along with some snails and blue leg hermits,I also had them maybe within reach of an atlantic anenome (condylactus). Would this aneneome reach over and pull these pieces of coral in and eat them??. NONE of my fish or snails/crabs ever pick at any of the corals.I checked all over the tank and overflow didnt find anything in case they just seperated from the toothpicks..
Any ideas??
I want to try this again.


Active Member
My guess is they came loose and drifted away. I doubt anything ate your clippings. HTH