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Um......I have a different voice for each little critter...however the entire cleanup crew all have thick French accents and speak only broken english. Oh yeah and the snails always speak as if they are in a terrible rush to get somewhere.....
Average shrimp that comes out from behind a rock-
"Ah, hah, hah...I zee mowe of zee delicious gah-bage ovah de-ah. Please pardon moia vile I go forage on zat disgusting thing zat is growing on zee rock........"
All the fish always sound as if they are put out at me. They always complain about rockwork being ugly or how much I spent on a rock. Or they beg for food with sob stories about how hard they have it. For some reason most of the fish have either surfer accents or sound like Pirates.
Stupid but true. Its like a comedy routine for my dogs.
My wife caught me squating down peeking over countertop in the dark ,i was trying to find out if i had mantis or pistol hitchhicker.She flicks on the lights and asked me"WHat the !*&^%! are you doing." I said Shhhhhhh im huntin wabbits.She just turned around,walked away ,shakeing head,and mumbled something.