who has a Carnation Coral?


I got one 3 days ago, and the LFS wont exchange it. They said they wont exchange it because its been exposed to my tank. After asking what kind I bought.. ..guess Im stuck with it. I know it needs no to little lighting and feeds on photoplankton 2-3 times a week. Im thinking it has a low survivablity rate for the same reason anemones do. The lack of knowledge to care for it? ?


Active Member
they are one of the most difficult corals to care for . . . which is why the LFS won't take it back probably. Not that crap "it's been exposed to your tank" :rolleyes: LFS like that suck.
A friend has one and its doing well in his system.
He has it in a shady area of the tank in high flow. He adds a highly concentrated frozen phytoplankton a few times a week . . . at least two I think, maybe three.
I think the frozen stuff is called "Bioplankton" or something like that.
Good luck!


Yes I figured thats why they wont take it back because they have no luck with them either. When I got it, they had it right under the light..... towards the end of the conversation on the phone , the lady said ,"well some people have luck with them and some people dont. " So I said " Well maybe you shouldn't order anymore since they have a low survivability rate in captivity, Thank You" Oh well, I learned my lesson anyways... Ill take a pic of any new thing and have it IDed if I dont know what it is. BEFORE I BUY something I think is similar to an easy coral.
How does your friend feed it by the way?


the only tip i can give is also but baby brine shrimp in along with the phytoplankton
and also u can try to purchase some zooplankton which will help alot


To give a little hope there are many variations to the species, and from my readings they do require moderate lighting and some are concerdered "hardy" You might be lucky


Smickied, with my luck its the hard to keep one. This one seems to like the dark and shade better than the light, he looks massive in the dark. I had another thread to ask for the ID of it, ill show u what it looks like. I hope the other LFS has those planktons and baby brines to feed it, better get some today! Fun Fun


Active Member
Hey Kz, I have read that to help them out some you can hang them upside down in cave or under a ledge and just like everyone else said little lighting and feeding.


Well after I took that picture, I moved him out of the light more, hung him upside down. . I dont have many caves or much shade but he seems to like it better anyways . Last night my husband kept trying to find it a good spot for it. After I asked him to just leave the poor thing alone, he knocks a bunch of rocks down and makes a huge mess, had to take som corals out and reset the rocks.