Who has a refugium on a FOWLR tank and why?


I currently have a well stocked 265 FOWLR and my nitrates are always very high. Everything else is in line. I do a 60 gal waterchange every 2 weeks but can't keep the trates below 60-80. I was thinking of adding a refugium to my wet/dry already in operation but know if it is worth the trouble or cost.


Active Member
I have a 10g on my 210. I am thinking of converting the wet/dry over. it cant harm anything to add one and really not that expensive


Active Member
unfortunately that was the biggest that I could put under my tank, but yes it did help alittle. this is why I want to convert my wet/dry over. I was just never able to get a straight answer about my idea to do so


Active Member
I have a 40 gal sump/fuge on mine. I just did it to handle a bigger bioload and put the skimmer/heater/liverock rubble in.
I think that keeping chaeto in the fuge is suppose to help with algae and trates and all that stuff but im not too sure

I also have tons of pods and things growing which is good.


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
I have a 40 gal sump/fuge on mine. I just did it to handle a bigger bioload and put the skimmer/heater/liverock rubble in.
I think that keeping chaeto in the fuge is suppose to help with algae and trates and all that stuff but im not too sure

I also have tons of pods and things growing which is good.
How big is the DT?

crypt keeper

Active Member
Personally go as big as you can. I have a 30 on my 75 and my trates are good to go. How much live rock do you have in your DT?


Active Member
It is not uncommon on large FOWLR to have higher nitrates, but if you have a wet dry maintenance may be part of your problem. Do you rinse the bioballs frequently? I am assuming you have a skimmer also.
A refugium, IMO, is always a nice idea because it adds to your export capacity for nitrate. So regardless of the tank type, I think if you can fit it in there, it is a good addition. ANY size, IMO, is something. Maybe not huge - but if you regularly trim the algae, it is decent. It may not resolve your problem, which probably has several causes, but it certainly won't hurt it.


Originally Posted by crypt keeper
Personally go as big as you can. I have a 30 on my 75 and my trates are good to go. How much live rock do you have in your DT?
The DT has about 350lbs of LR in it and I am ruuing a skimmer rated for 250 gal.


Active Member
like stated go as big as you can. I was stuck with that size and I wish that I could have gone bigger


I have a 46 gal fowlr and my trates were always 10-20. I added a 10 gal sump/fuge. I mainly wanted a place to keep my skimmer cuz of all the bubbles, but I threw a little bit of Chaeto in there and my trates are at 0 for the 1st time ever.
Like every1 else seid, can't hurt.
I really think you should get a bigger skimmer though. They say to get a skimmer rated at least 50% more than you need, and yours is less. That may help.