Who has kept more than one large angel in the same tank?


jackie dh

And how did you do it?
I had an Emperor for 5+ years and only lost him when the tank crashed, I want another one but I also want a Blue Face. Is there any chance that the two can live in relative harmony in a 120 with lots of hiding places?


Active Member
I think your tank is too small for 2 Large Angels (genus Holacanthus or Pomacanthus) long term. I have Passer, Emperor and Asfur in my 240 with very few issues. Tank size is the biggest thing for these guys. When I got the Asfur and Emperor 2 years ago, the larger Asfur was very aggressive to the Emperor, now the Emperor has outgrown him and is the dominant Angel (for now). He and the Passer squabble once in a while, but nothing stressful.


Active Member
Piggybacking on what KJR said, the limiter here is going to be tank size. Even though something like my 125gal was only 5gals more, it's 50% longer.The 2 angels I successfully kept in there, were able to get distance from each other. Of the keys I found was differentiating sizes help a ton. The new angel being considerably smaller, or larger, then the first angel will help your odds.
But yea, I definitely wouldn't suggest an Emp. and a Blueface. If you absoultely wanted 2 large angels, you could do like a Singapore or Flagfin angel, and one of the Genicanthus-genus angels, Lamarck, Bellus, etc


Active Member
I agree with AK & KJR (proudly using the Wisconsin "W" as his avatar, but it should be Red). Keeping two large angels is not difficult; IF the tank is big enough and they are introduced at different times & sizes. I would never try to keep another large angel with a grown Emperor in a 120. You mention "lots of hiding places"; you really can't have much room for a large angel to hide in a 120. IMO & IME: I don't think hiding places are really a factor with most aggressive, large fish (a Sohal changes everything); they just have to learn their place in the pecking order.