Who has nice live rock?


Does anyone have experience with the Walter P.Smith live rock? Or how about the Drs. Foster and Smith? Then of course there is SWF.And you also have the auction site. Is it all the same stuff but the name has been changed to protect who knows what? Just a thought. Auction site $1.97lbs,local fs $7.99lbs.Ideas please.TIA


Active Member
i bought my rock off the big auction site. It cut a lot of the price off even with the shipping.
You get a lot of die off. I was kinda dissapointed with mine, it seemed to not have that much color, now it has a pretty good amount of color. It just takes time.


Active Member
i have seen SWF.com rock and IMO its the best ive ever seen! the coraline is like caked on! its actually looks really thick. cant wait to buy some!


Active Member
i got mine at the lfs for about $6/lb. it was out of the ocean for about 4 hours, but packed in enough newspaper and water that i got virtually no die off, and a ton of hitchikers. can email me mjwag1975 at cox.net if you want more info.


Got mine from the Big auction site! It took a couple of weeks to start seeing the color, but It is booming now! It had been about 2 months.



Active Member
I got 50lbs of Tonga Branch from my LFS and another 50lbs of Fiji off the Auction site at $1.97 per lb. The fiji took some time (had it about 2 months) but now it is covered with nice purple and green coraline. I'd definitely buy more of the same again.


Confused What is the big auction site please e-mail
I bought my live rock from LFS it was $10 lbs but if you bought more than 100lbs it was $6.00 lbs. Is this a good price cause it broke me I have 125lbs and ooking to by more but need good price


Active Member
I bought a box of Walt Smith from the auction site and it was amazing when I got it...good growth..some nice HH..(sand siftingcuke), full of culerpa(sp) awsome..98.00 for 50lbs..


Thanks for all the replys. I think the auction site is the way to go. Even with the shipping it is still less than any lfs in my area.I can deal with a little die off.Did any of you ADD anything to the water to encourage some more coraline growth? Purple up?Whatever that is.TIA


Originally Posted by Nel621
Thanks for all the replys. I think the auction site is the way to go. Even with the shipping it is still less than any lfs in my area.I can deal with a little die off.Did any of you ADD anything to the water to encourage some more coraline growth? Purple up?Whatever that is.TIA
can you e-mail the auctin site> I want to check it out


Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
right!!!! please get something for that cough you know the flew season is here,
Thanks ryanhayes>


hey all i bought my live rock off the web and it is the best live rock ever tons of purple and red coraline email me if you would like web site it is also hatian rock they have good pricres so email me at jsodonnelljr@aol.com


Originally Posted by bhfccsr198
hey all i bought my live rock off the web and it is the best live rock ever tons of purple and red coraline email me if you would like web site it is also hatian rock they have good pricres so email me at jsodonnelljr@aol.com

you have e-mail