Who has reversed HLLE?


I read that stray voltage,diet,and stress can contribute to it in Tangs. Ive also read that certain supplements can help. Has anyone here actually reversed HLLE in a Tang or in any of their fish?If so how and how long did it take see full results? What did you do/use?


I once put my tang in QT due to adding an unquarentined spotted mandarin. He infected my whole tank with something. But anyway while the tang was in my 30 gal QT he developed HLLE after about 3 weeks. I put him back into my display shortly after and the HLLE cleared up immediately.
I think the size of my QT and the duration he was in it, caused it to begin in the first place. He had the same diet, same water movement, same water even. But the tank was just to small for him. I didn't give him any meds or garlic or anything like that, it just went away on it's own after he was back in the display.


Im dealing with a similar situation right now. My hippo was doing very well in my 125. then I added another fish that gave the hippo Ich. While in QT the ich cleared but then developed HLLE. Now that shes back in my 125 its slowly getting better. If the tang has the HLLE in your main tank you may be in a bit of trouble...


Active Member
Good water quality, a solid nutitional diet and lots of macroalgae like caulerpa in the diet can help. You should also soak the food in vitamins such as Selcon and Zoe. A vitamin rich diet can be helpful with reversing HLLE. Try adding some broccoli in the diet as well as some feel this is helpful in treating/preventing the disease. HLLE is usually not fatal in the short term.
Some feel HLLE is just a natural occurence and others feel it is casued by poor water quality, poor diet, stray voltage or any combination.


My Queen angel developed a bad case of it. I changed his diet to include sponge, selcon and other vitamin additives. The erosion cleared up and eventually the color returned as if it never had it to begin with. My conclusion is that a proper diet is major in combating this problem.


Thanks everybody. I added a grounding probe and Im not getting a stray voltage reading.:happy: I have selcon and the new SW food fortified with vita-chem. I feed nori daily along with prime reef flake. I also use frozen formula 2. The Tang isnt as skittish as when I first got him so I dont think stress is a poblem. I also keep up with the maintenance. Now that I have the probe in I think it'll do much better.