who is the most friendly urchin


Active Member
I have bought 3 Urchins over the last few months (in fact one was this morning). I have 2 in my 58 reef and 1 in my little 15 gallon mini reef. The first two were sold as white spined Urchins the one today is sort of green-black with white spines- very cool and cost me 4 bucks. I have had no problems with the first 2 except the first one in the reef covers itself with cc and shells and all you see when the light is on is this mound of shells moving around. At night it sheds them and works the glass area. I had read they cover themselves this way for 2 reasons, to protect against UV rays from light, and for protection from predators. My lfs guy gets these things but never seems to know for sure what the names are. I have not found any of the 3 in any books or web sites yet so I frankly don't know what I have, but I enjoy them and think I will get one more ofr my 65 FO tank tomorrow.