who knows ? what could i do ,for advice


New Member
A few days ago, I bought 5 pairs of the new style AJ 2009 from http://www.ok-jordan.com , where i found the website from this forum .I have left a message to them : “Please,send me the black style one !”,but what I received are two all-black shoes .
What I could do ?
If refund, how can i return , the payment methord I chose is paypal..he paypal prompt:
“The money has been sent!
Josegh, you have sent $196.00 USD to Yi.
We have sent you a receipt for this transaction, and an email has been sent to your recipient. View transaction details “
Could some one give me more details ? Thank you !

tank a holic

Active Member
sometimes links slip through the cracks here but as soon as the mods find these types of "ads" they delete them, this activity is not authorized by SWF.com
contact paypal for any discrepancy


New Member
Even though I think that you are FOS and you are here promoting your site (Hence the broken english) I will give you some insight just in case you are serious.
I am a huge collector of Jordans and I can tell you right now that you are buying fake shoes....
Cheap, uncomfortable, worthless fakes that are made in China. Businesses get shut down for selling these variants. I suggest that if you want to get into Jordans/shoes of any kind, Join NikeTalk. It is a sneaker board that has a place for legit checks...
Sorry for your luck...