who makes the best hang-on protein skimmer


New Member
i'm setting up a 38 gal reef tank. i have a 20 gal with a prizm -- i like the low profile and that is it-- it is loud, the cup can fills up quick, and i'm unhappy with the performance of it. on my halequin tusk/trigger tank i have a berlin turbo hang-on and i love the performance of it--- the pump is huge and the clearance may be too much for the 38 tank. i'm thinking about the bak-pak 2 reef ready or the seaclone-- which i hear good and bad things. I WANT PERFORMANCE AND QUIET -- what should i get!
SeaClone by Aquarium Systems are kinda loud and they can cause problems with excess bubbles in your tank. I have had great luck with Berlin Air-Lift.....ultra quiet, excellent performance and very affordable...$45 w/air pump


Active Member
I don't use skimmers anymore, but believe it or not the most effeciant hang on I had was an excaliber.