Who Owns A Clown Trigger? Do They Wreck Your Tank??


New Member
Just wanted some feedback from those of you whom own or have owned a Clown Trigger. I have put alot of work into my tank and was wondering if these guys topple your rockwork, bite your powerheads, etc.???

king bubba

Mine wasn't much of an excavator but, at about four inches, he found a nub of silicone in a corner and proceeded to chew a small leak into an otherwise decent tank.


i have a clown trigger. It hasnt really ruined my tank. its 3 inches long. All it does is bite the little bars at the top of my overflow and kick the crap out of my lionfish.


Well forget any aquascaping.
We have moved rock until we are blue in the face, and they keep moving it to another. We try to keep it away from the glass, hence the problem. Our rubble was piled high with all kinds of tunnels, we some of the tunnels remain because the pieces were too big for them to move.
It is truly amazing how much weight those little buggers can move.
BTW all are doing well, the pinktail, picasso, and undulated reaking havoc with the rocks.
I hear clowns are the worst. Good luck though, triggers are great, in my opinion.


I have had several clown triggers over the past 12 years, always keeping one. My last Clown Trigger was 13" from Palu (R.I.P. Squid). Small clowns will bit anything that gets their attention including fish. The Bigger one gets,the more aggressive they become. Some medium clowns will move rocks as do the bigger ones. Make sure that when you have one 6 inches or bigger to have no electrical wires in the tank ( including HEATERS) I had one destroy a sub. heater once, and it didn't kill him either. Did blow the breaker!
The key is to not over crowd them, they will start to kill tank mates. Don't over decorate your tank with rock, give them plenty of space to swim.
Be prepared to lose any fish that is in the tank with a clown trigger. In time as he grows he will kill everything else. They should be kept alone. Except in very large aquarium.
And you can keep small to medium in a 55 with no problem!
In my opinion they have more personallity than any other fish.


Active Member
im knida klate for this trend but anyhow.. my clown (4'' or so) just eats.. he never moves anything.. guess cuzz all of my rocks are to big and heavy..but he really dont bully any other guy in my tank... guess he feels at home with a 7'' lunnar,6.5'' tusk,5'' jivi emp, 4'' powder
r tang,3'' nigar trigger and 2 4'' damsals... i dont even know what type of damsal they are.. the where my 1st fish.. they were all white w/a yellow top fin.. now they turned black as night and deisaled!!! :cheer: :scared:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Vanos
Can you put a small clown trigger like 2" in a 55 gallon tank?
Where does it go when it gets bigger and outgrows the 55? If you do not have a plan do not get one. They grow quickly and require larger systems. JMO


I used to have a big clown trigger, about 5-6 in. and he didn't reck my tank at all, and he was in a reef (but i had no coral in the reef at the time...this is one expensive hobby!)