Who should I believe?


Ok, I read on the Drs website that an LTA only needs moderate light and a BTA needs strong light. On these message boards I have heard the opposite. Which is true? Does it depend on how deep in the coean the anemone was collected? Just wanting some answers


Thanks Feduke. I have two tanks, one tank has t5 lighting and the other one has MH lighting. The one with T5 lighting has the BTA, and the one with MH lighting has the LTA. Both anemones ate a piece of shrimp today. My Clarkiis love the BTA in the one tank and the perculas do not go near the LTA in the other tank, lol.


Active Member
BTA......................LTA................. not sure of the meaning???? I have seen it posted before. THanks


Active Member
Originally Posted by ifirefight
BTA......................LTA................. not sure of the meaning???? I have seen it posted before. THanks

Bubble tip anemone and Long tentacle anemone


Active Member
i have a lta in my 12g nano...soon to be in a 55g long. my nano has 50/50 lighting 24w and it does just fine....always blooming. mainly because the tank isnt a deep tank. the deeper your tank the stronger lighting youll need.


Thanks Skip. I moved my LTA into my 40G display tank that has only t5 lighting and had to move it back to my MH lighted tank because my Clarkii clown kept slapping it around. My LTA does not get bothered in my other tank, lol. My percs there could care less that the LTA is in their tank.