Who started out with Tap Water?


Tap water with good results?
Tap water with bad results?
Switched over to RO after bad or good results?


I voted saying that I had bad results when starting with tap water. I had a good bit of algae and thought that the tap water was the problem. I am using RO water now and still have some algae but not nearly as much. We have a 1000 gallon tank with an RO system that runs RO water to many of the chemistry labs in the building here at work. I didn't even think to use RO water in the beginning. I have one of our chem techs running a water sample from my tank today. Nothing like state of the art professional water testing at your finger tips.


I started and went over two years useing tap water. Never had a problem. Diatoms-algae were more of a chore to handle though.
I'll stick with rodi now though.


Active Member
I too started with tap, but that was only for the initial fill of the tank. From there though I use RO water. I don't think that it caused any ill effects however the tap water in the area that I live in is actually pretty good comparatively.


I work in a molecular lab and we Must use Double distilled H2O. So we have our own still, two boilers and a 25L storage bin. It takes about 6 hours to make. But My lab is not the only one using it, so I have it running constantly. Hmmm..maybe I can hook one up in my house.


Active Member
Started with Tap and things were "ok"
Went to distilled and noticed a difference.
Am using RO from the local store and things are much better
Will be getting a RO/DI soon and expect things to be cheaper :D and hopefully better again.


Well-Known Member
I have used tap water in 6 different cities since the late 70's for both fw and sw tanks. any water fit for human consumption will work in any saltwater tank. But then I get the plant life started before anything else.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Kipass4130
"will work"... but how "well"

Very well :D
Fw no algae, 30 fish in 10g 27 of which grew up in tank
Sw damsel fish spawned.
longest continuous run time 6 years salt and fresh. maintenance replace water that evaporates. water crystal clear.


I have just started my tank and I wused Tap water fo the initial fill I now have a RO unit and plan to do a my changes with it. Tap water is ok but you cant go wrong wit RO water.


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Kipass4130
I didnt know you had a 6 yr SW tank running... is that the one we see in your pictures?

Nope that one is only a year old with only 8 months of "correct" running :D . The 6 years one was in the early 80's and just a simple 10g. Experience with 55g confirms previous experience.


ordered ro/di today.. will start with it. I guess it depends on how good your tap water is, some have good, some don't. I'll just guess that mine is horrible and skip any risk.


So, I'm curious which RO/DI unit you guys recommend?
I'm tired of going to Walmart and using that RO machine which hardly works.. Very frustrating to get half a 3 gallon jug filled and the machine breaks.. LOL


I couldn't vote either.

Aprox 2 years now, started with well water and still using it. (no choice)
A bit of algae problem, but I can't seem to shut off the lights. They may be on as much as 14 hours a day sometimes.
Never had any disease problem until last order of fish.

but I won't get into that.


Reefnut, You're happy with your Typhoon III? I checked out that website and it also had the Typhoon II, for less money. It looks like the only difference is no pressure gauge for the II.


I bought that Aqua Safe RO/DI system on ----.. 75GPD and I've heard it is good. And very reasonably priced ;) It should be in any day now.. no hurry though, still have to stain stand and canopy.


i'd initially filled up my tank with tap water. have been making my own ro/di water since the fill up. no problems...