Who uses a 35mm for tank shots?



Hi Reefers,
I currently have a broken 35mm that can't be repaired. I was going to sell all of my lenses and buy a new digital but I really did like the picture quality of this 35mm. I found online, that I can buy a new body fairly cheap since everyone wants digital. I just really needed a macro lens for my 35mm. I have a cheap digital but I can't take close up shots of the tank. So, I wanted to know if anyone uses a 35mm to take close up shots of your tank. I searched the forums and it seems that after 2 years the images get tossed. If you do use a 35mm then what kind of macro lens do you use?


Active Member
some of the lenses should be interchangeable between 35mm and digital if i am not mistaken. the tough part about using a 35 mm is the lag time till you see how the photo turned out, with the digitals, people throw away hundreds and even thousands of pics during a photo session (especially with multiple drive modes). this alone can start getting expensive in film etc...


Film SLR lenses are compatable with digital SLR camera bodies - as long as they are the same make and focus type - you can't use an autofocus lense on manual body - but you can use a manual lense on an autofocus body.
Keep with the same brand digital SLR as your film SLR and you should be fine

Of course - if you use a Minolta AF SLR - forget everything I said - it won't work - and I'll take your lenses off your hands cheap


Originally Posted by JasonMarc
Film SLR lenses are compatable with digital SLR camera bodies - as long as they are the same make and focus type - you can't use an autofocus lense on manual body - but you can use a manual lense on an autofocus body.
Keep with the same brand digital SLR as your film SLR and you should be fine

Of course - if you use a Minolta AF SLR - forget everything I said - it won't work - and I'll take your lenses off your hands cheap

OK This is creepy. How did you know I had a Minolta AF camera? It just went bad and Sony bought out Minolta 7 months ago so they can't get parts for it. But, I seen the Minolta 5000i body online for cheap. I didn't know lenses for a SLR could be used on a digital. But, I guess it won't work for me. Right?


LOL how did I know? I'm psychic (or is that psychotic? I always mix those two up... I'll have to double check with my doctor...)
And to be honest, I was kidding about the Minolta not working - I use a minolta SLR autofocus for my photography work - so I was just teasing you trying to finagle some cheap lenses

As far as I know, Minolta film SLR lenses will work just fine on a Minolta digital SLR body. As far as I've been told anyway...
Let me know how it goes!


Hi, I have a nikon D70. That is a DSLR camera. I have several nikon lenses that were made around the early 1980s. All of these lenses are compatible with my digital camera. It is my understanding that a lot of the newer lenses will not work. If you can find a body that is compatible with your lenses you will have more money to spend on a good body and still save a lot of money. Good luck!


I have a Nikon FE2 that my g'ma just gave me to take pictures of my tank with. I have the Macro, Micro, and zoom lenses. Do i need anymore? I'm still learning the camera, and its safe to say i know more about my tank than the FE2!


Originally Posted by kayak385
I have a Nikon FE2 that my g'ma just gave me to take pictures of my tank with. I have the Macro, Micro, and zoom lenses. Do i need anymore? I'm still learning the camera, and its safe to say i know more about my tank than the FE2!
That all depends on what use you intend your camera - if it's JUST of your tank, what more do you think you need?
Now you get to read up on f/stops, shutter speeds, etc. etc. etc.
Look at it this way - tank pictures will probably be easier than a lot of other things!


Hi, I still have that exact camera. I have not used it in years but, I can tell you It will take great pictures if you learn how to use it. In the long run buy the time you spend your money on film and processing it would be better for you to bite the bullet and get something digital. If you do get some pics that you like, you can take the negs to places and have them converted to jpegs. I have taken hundreds of mine, some over 20 yrs old, to my local Sams club. They charge 21 cents per neg. There is a minimum charge. It is less then $3. This may be a quick fix for now.Good luck.


Well I still don't know what I am going to do. I really liked my Minolta. That is why I was just going to buy another one. But, now I will have to look at the digital Minoltas. I doubt I will be able to find a cheap one. And if it goes bad, I won't be able to fix that one either since the company is no more. If they are a lot of money, then I may as well by any digi and sell my lenses. I would hate to buy a digi Minolta and my lenses and flash don't fit it.