Who uses/ has an RO system... who uses tap water? BE HONEST


Active Member
Who uses/ has which? There is no shame in honesty if you have a successful tank. :D
Also, what is the nitrate range in tap water compared to RO?


Active Member
I use tap water. I have a big rubbermaid tub that I mix saltwater in............USE COLD WATER if using tap. I mix the saltwater up and let it agitate with a powerhead and heater for about a week before using the water. I have not had a problem with it although I never had a problem with RO water when I purchased it. It probably depends on the water quality in your area as well. I haven't had any algae outbreaks or things of that nature and my corals seem to be thriving as well. I would certainly take an RO water system off someone's hands of course.


Active Member
Rye, I hear you on that RO. They are a huge expense though, and you have to keep buying filters. So I use tap too.
I didn't know that about the cold water. Thanks for that info. I will do that.
Now, you are in a big city like me, so our water quality might be pretty good.
You ever test the nitrates after you mix up the tap SW, before you add it to the tank? I am looking for a ballpark figure.
See, I don't purchase RO water because I would have to buy so much. It would add up to too many $$$$$. And I like to have money to pay my power bill so I can run the tank. Food is optional. :D


Active Member
The reason that you are going to be better off using cold tap water than warm tapwater is due to the nasty stuff in water heaters..............yuck..........rust, metal deposits, mold, etc...

mr . salty

Active Member
Allways used tap water,,,and a;;ways will...We get our water from lake Michigan,and water people say it's among the best in the country...
I feel sorry for people who must buy expensive water,or purifyers for thier tanks....


Unbelievable!!I started buying purified water at about $1 per gallon because I thought my hair algae problem was due to my useage of tap water..Is it safe to go back to tap?I still have some hair algae but have Phos. sponge now which seems to be helping.


I use RO. I do the jug lugging thing from the lfs. I even buy my saltwater from there too. I just don't have enough time to mix my own.


Active Member
Rye-- that cold water theory makes a lot of sense. I never thought about all the residual crap you can pull out of a hot water heater. The things you can learn on here. :D
Well, I am glad to see a lot of folks using tap too. I can't do the RO lug because it would be about 50 gallons each time. And that would be 50 bucks a water change too, not including salt. Forget that madness.
Now, I hear the only problem really associated with that can be phosphates. High phosphates create cyano algae right? Is that the only drawback? Mine aren't bad, I don't see any cyano.
Anyone ever tested their tap water nitrates?


I use RO water and get it right from my tap. Here in Cape Coral the complete water system is run through RO. Nice break uh? I have tested it for trates and Phos and it come up 0.


Active Member
Holy RO hkgar, you did get lucky. I wonder if Atlanta runs everything through RO. I seriously doubt it though. It seems to be working alright for now either way.


What do you guys adds to remove chlorine and chloramine(i think thats what it is) to your water? Can you use the same stuff i use for my freshwater tanks?


Active Member
Wow.... dehumidifier water. Thats an interesting one. No kidding huh.
To remove the chlorine/ chloramine from my tank I use Kent Ammonia Detox. The stuff smells like the worst kind of rotten ostrich eggs you can think of... after being in the desert for a week. But, it is great stuff. :cool:


Active Member
I use an RO/DI unit - honest !
You could poll 100 people, 99 of them could use tapwater and have beautiful tanks ~ 1 person could use the very best RO/DI system - and have a crappy tank.
It all depends on the source of the tapwater AND all the other factors associated with keeping a saltwater system healthy.
It also all depends on how much "control" you want to have over your tankwater.
Using tapwater - although it may be fine in your particular area - is uncontrolled. You get what you get - you take what they give you - you live with the consequences ~ good or bad.
Using an RO or RO/DI unit allows you to have "some" control over your freshwater. If you buy it in jugs - you have less control.
You still take what THEY give you.
If you make it at home - and maintain the canister cartridges and membrane - you gain more control.
You take what YOU give yourself.
How much control you do you feel you need over your tankwater ?
How many tests do you do on your tapwater ?
How well does your tank look using tapwater ?
Answer these questions - and then decide if buying a RO or RO/DI unit is worthwhile or not.
The one thing I want to "control" in my reef tank - is the water quality.
Take care of the saltwater - and the tank will take care of itself.


Active Member
See, Broomer, why do you have to make things difficult for me? :D
I thought I was happy and content with my tap water after all the responses... but now I am questioning it.
I also want control over my water quality. I want to have clean water so my reef matures successfully. It really is about control.
But, maybe Atlantas water quality is good enough to maintain a successful reef. I might call the treatment plant and ask them for their parameters. While they might think I am a nutcase, it couldn't hurt to try. :D
Then I will decide whether to put the $$$, and $$$$$$$$ into an RO unit, or CORAL. :cool:


That's what I did here in Cape Coral. The Treatment plant (water dept.) was more than happy to send me their findings and the full report on the water quality. The actually publish an annual report.


Active Member
Dude, that's awesome. I am calling as soon as I get off work. Yeah, thats why all my posts are in the middle of the night. I work overnights. But, instead of working, I play on this all night. :D :D :D


Active Member
I always used to use tap water and never had any problems. Unfortunately, when we bought our home, the new tap water was extremely high in phosphates - so algae became a huge problem. I just bought an RO/DI unit and will be doing my first water change with RO water tonight. Hopefully everyone will like it.