Who was it?


New Member
Hello, Just curious what ya'll think. I have a 100 FOWLR tank with a 11-inch porc puffer, a 6 inch huma trigger and RIP, a 2 inch electric blue damsel. All have been living peacefully for 2 years since I got the damsel and he recently vanished without a trace. In the tank I have about 15 large red legged hermits that have survived for over 3 years now along with a recent investation of glass anemones. The fish regularly eat clams, formula 1, mysis, krill and I re-stock the tank with crabs occasionally so they can hunt. Water parameters are perfect, so now the question is who ate my blue damsel?


NOT fully healthy, live fish, but IMO
ones swimmiing erratic and clearly not healthy
aispatia, no way but certain types of crabs and shrimps would
maybe even some starfish overnight

my way

Active Member
50/50 between the Trigger and the Puffer. Absolutely no way to tell with out seeing it happen.


If it was the trigger Id bet there would be a ripped apart body, and if the crabs cleaned it up, you could tell because theyd all be crowded in one area of the tank. The puffer on the other hand would just swallow it whole and youd never know....so my bets are on the puffer for a dissappearance without a trace.


I almost guarentee that it was the huma trigger, I had two damsels in mt 150 FOWLR and as soon as the trigger grew big enough he demolished both of the damsels starting with their eyes, the puffer could have done it too but my money is on the trigger


New Member
Yeah, im feeling like it was the trigger. He's grown a couple inches since I got him and now he's even challenging the puffer for food.


i have a 125 with a huma,niger,dianas hawgfish,sailfin & yellow tangs , and 4 yellow tails.....ive only seen the niger go after the damsels, and even then the damsels were way too fast. could go either way. buy another one and see who eats him?! j/k


funny how things change overnight. down to 3 damsels, not sure who did it because the other 3 were always beatin him up.......im thinking it was a combination of gettin your ass kicked all day and "drifting", when the lights were out, into the wrong spot. but who knows......i only noticed something wasnt right when i went to feed the tank and they were already eatting..............


New Member
I do remember seeing the trigger go after him a few times when I would feed them but he was too fast to catch. I guess when the trigger grew larger he got nastier. Phish, at least you know when he was eaten. It took me over a week to figure out mine was gone.. Its crazy, I could never keep a huma and niger together. To my surprise, after I introduced both at the same time, the niger trigger kept messing with the huma. So I took the Niger back for another, same thing happened. I guess it's a good thing since I returned him for the puffer.


i have heard it both ways, nigers nasty, or passive. my lfs had both in the same tank. i bought the huma first, and a week later i got the niger. but i think since they were together (a month and 1/2) - lfs they worked out their issues before i got them. im wondering now how long before i dont have any damsels? :happyfish


they all worked together as a team id say the trigger killed it and the crabs cleaned up all the evedence. lol call CSI they will figure it out im not trying to be mean there is no way to figure it out you will never know ive had alot of fish get eatin by my sharks it happens just remember all the happy memories you had together