WHOA! My crab just split in half!



Ok, someone tell me this is normal? Please!
I have several small hermit crabs (scarlet) and today I came home and I see like 4 legs laying in the sand, JUST THE LEGS! I figured something had eaten him, which wasn't a big deal, it's just a scarlet hermit after all, but I was stunned when an hour later I see the crab himself walking around seperate from some of his legs. He had his front legs and was WITHOUT his shell, and seemed to be carrying something sort of "pink/beige" that was circular behind him that was about half his body size.
I know this sounds NUTS, but MAYBE someone knows about this?


Active Member
The pink/beige think was his body! Sounds like he molted is all lol. I hope he finds a new shell soon (i hope you have some laying around for him) he is vulnerable without a shell.


Originally Posted by puffer32
The pink/beige think was his body! Sounds like he molted is all lol. I hope he finds a new shell soon (i hope you have some laying around for him) he is vulnerable without a shell.

I dont have a shell for him, do they sell them at fish stores?


Active Member
yes puffer is correct the curly thing is the part of the body that is inside the shell. Your lfs may have shells but probably expensive. You could go to a craft store , a place like michaels they usualy sell em for very cheap just make sure they are not painted


Active Member
Yep.. sounds like a molt.
For future reference, all of your crabs and shrimps will do this. It's how they grow.


Active Member
You can get empty shells for here if you are placing an order soon. However you do have to boil them and the smell, Ohhhh the smell.