

I bought some zoos about a month ago and stuck them on my rocks. Today, I just noticed four polyps that are growing in the back of my tank in the sand. I have no idea how they got down there. I don't even see how they have enough light. Should I try to move them? It looks like they're just in the sand, so I don't know how I would get them to stay on my rocks. Any ideas????
Here's a really bad picture. They're way back there, so I can't get a decent shot.


Active Member
Zoos falling off the rocks happens all the time in my tank. My suggestion is to take the 4 that fell off and stick them in a hole in your rocks somewhere so they can form a new colony. If they fall out, just put them back in or try another hole. Eventually, they'll stick where you put them and start multiplying there.


if you can get to them I would move them. you can super glue them down any were you want them. Or you can start a frag by gluing them down to a small rock. Hope this helps


So is that just another way they spread - falling off the rock? I don't know how I haven't noticed them before. I'm going to try to move them now. Thanks