Whole aquarium has ich


I am on an emotional rollercoaster right now. I successfully converted my FOWLR to a reef and discovered after getting my corals, new inverts( shrimp, sand stars, crabs, and brittle stars) and new fish(flame angel, scooter blenny, and royal gramma) moved in that my sailfin and yellow tangs both very visibily have ich. I was going to quarrantine them until I saw that at least 2 damsels have it too(good luck catching those little -#-$-). Anyway I found this stuff called No-ich from Fish-vet and wondered if anyone knows if its any good. I really don't want to have to try and quarrantine the sick fish since I suspect the others have it anyway and I'm afraid to lower the salinity with the new move-ins. Any ideas please!? :scared: :mad:


In my experience there are only two ways to get rid of ich....hyposalinity and copper. You have to bite the bullet and use one or the other for its full course or you'll be fighting the ich forever, and having lots of fishy funerals.


Active Member
i wouldnt add any medications to a reef tank, and just leave copper alone. if i was u, i would set up another tank if u dont already have a quarantine and then hypo that.


Staff member
The so-called reef safe meds are not really very effective. I'm afraid there is no easy answer; you'll need to remove your fish to a QT and treat using hyposalinity.


Active Member
I have a friend who is battling ich with his Royal gramma, tomato clown, and firefish right now...He moved them all out of his newly set up display tank, and ito a 10 G QT. He has been using Ich-Attack, by Kordon. he has been treating for about two days now and he says its starting to clear up. I have also used this product in my main tank once and it worked for me. Im 1/1 with it. Thats just my experience for ya..


Staff member
Telll your friend that if all his fish make it in a newly set up 10 gal tank, they will still have ich after the use of Ich Attack.


Active Member
Why do the so-called reef safe products not work?
The only proven additive effective against ich is copper which is also deadly to inverts. based on known and documented studies, how can one mystery additive be reef safe unharming all inverts with the exception of the one...the parasites? It defies logic.
These products are garbage. Some aquarists will add the voodoo mixture and fish get better. They draw a coorelation..I added the holy grail liquid and my fish got better...great stuff. They ignore many enviornmental conditions that lead to ich outbreaks if present in the system . Further, they ignore the possibility of the immune system of the fish improving. If you added the miracle cure and your fish got better. it is most likely due to the enviornmental conditions improving or the immune systems strengthening. The slime coat colored water was just a coincidence in the process.
This colored water wastes valuable treatment time, sucks up your money and can actually cause damage to your system. Many of the manufacturers of the holy grail mixtures also sell copper based products. If the miracle cures work why do they also produce copper meds?
They take advantage of our somewhat lazy nature by offering something that sounds to good to be true. We do not have to set-up a QT, remove fish and/or inverts. Simply drop it in...sounds good...right? They use buzz words such as reef safe, orgnic, all natural, etc. Many will not even list the ingredients. They provide zero proof via tests, studies, science, etc. to back up THEIR claims.


Active Member
Remove the inverts and hypo the display...or better yet, remove the fish and treat with hypo in a QT of adequate size.
THose are your best options.
Stay away from the voodoo mixtures for reason I previously stated. Sorry..I rambled and did not offer my opinion to your question.