whole house RO



My Sis has and whole house RO, so could she get just the DI chamber and hook that up?


Active Member
Possibly.....need more specs on the whole house filter......What is the rejection rate of the membrane on the "whole house filter"? The other filters would need to be swapped out as well, but could be a simple easy project though.


I can't imagine why anyone would put "whole house" RO system in just to flush it or wash clothes or cars with it.It would be awfully expensive and would need a pretty big holding/pressure tank to be effective.
A whole house filter system with water softeners, sediment and carbon etc filters is much more common
she has a ro system to her Kitchen faucets/refridge or bath faucets. Adding a DI canister to one of theses situations would be great.


New Member
I have a whole house RO unit, well, at least in the bathroom, for flushing

no seriously, i only bought it for the tanks, i plan on adding a di unit, for less than $50 and about 20 minutes of work, i think you should talk her into it


Not sure about the answer to your question, but if she's local and doesn't want to add another RO/DI system tell er to look into a company called hydrologix. A lot of local reefers use them since its clean water and it flows as fast as a garden hose. I know of at least one LFS that uses the system as well and everyone that has it says its the greatest thing since sliced bread.