Whoohoo show your pics of your clownfish and anemones


I have had my clowns for about 1.25 years now. I have had them since they were little guys and now they are one large Momma and one medium PaPa.
They will host both anemones in my tank and the xenia and the gonipora!



I love your fish! They are so pretty, and I like the pink anemone. Is the pink anemone called bubble tip anemone?


Thanks, I like the pink anemone too. My local fish store swears it wasn't dyed but I have never seen one that color anywhere else. (I have done a lot of diving around the world and have never seen a pink anemone.) I strongly think it may have been some type of white anemone that was injected with dye, regardless of what the fish store says. It is too light and too pink to be a rose anemone.
I bought the anemone when I was a newbie with salt water. Now I only get aquacultured fish and corals so that I don't deplete the oceans.


The grumpy looking fish is a Red-Streaked Blenny (Cirripectus Stigmaticus). He is pretty much a vegetarian but occaisionally tries the flake food. He move around quite a bit and likes to perch on the rocks. His two companions are my diamond goby and mandarin.