Who's cooler, girls or boys?



so we did this a while ago, and it was a blast, so i'd like to start it up again. This is dedicated to jcrim who can't be here anymore due to his new daughter and large work load...
the point of the game is to state your opinion and why.
ok, here goes: girls are better than boys because they know how to properly maintain their hygiene. We don't reek of body odor and/or sweat from not showering like boys. We also are capable of being loving and supportive in any situation, unlike boys who don't know what loving and supportive is. We also have boobs...
Disclaimer: the intent of this thread is to simply make rude comments toward another gender without having any reprocutions. I am not responsible for any problems this may cause, as I have only provided the play area and am not forcing anyone to partake in this game. Should anyone become offended, they should hide their self-centered close minded robot-like bodies in a corner and cry to his/herself in solitude, in order to rid us of their stupidity.


Active Member
its obvious... boys are way cooler... reason why... wasnt a guy who started this thread...
i do love women though...


actually, i started this one... jcrim started the one that was about FOWLR and reef tanks... then i followed with this one...
point: girls are better because they're smarter...


awesome idea! me like a lot!!
boys are better than girls because:
*they don't dump a bunch of crummy perfume all over em and then call that proper hygene. they shower, shave, and call it a day.
*they are able of being loving & supportive but not in an irritating, conditional, whiney, emotionally insecure way.
*their idea of supportive is by being the primary wage-earner in 89% of households and their idea of being loving is to stick to their word when they say they love you.
course they don't have boobs......
....i may hafta change my opinion.


Active Member
and we listen, pay attention better, don't pick our nose when driving, don't check to make sure our privates are still there, don't feel the need make an
arse outta ourselves when an attractive male walks by. Lets see.......


uhhh. that booger picking driving one doesn't necessarily apply to only men... LMAO!!!
and uhhh, soto... we don't cover ourselves in calogne to suffocate everyone in the office...
what's that stupid hand shake, body hit guys do? That's so stupid! What's with handshakes in general? Just say hi.
we dont stare other girls down when driving by them so we can play the "macho" game...


Active Member
Originally Posted by lovethesea
don't pick our nose when driving,
i will agree with this... ya do it at stop signs... busted a chic yesterday diggin for gold a an intersection... and LTS checkin your junk is way cool... esecially on national TV...


Originally Posted by jdragunas
and uhhh, soto... we don't cover ourselves in calogne to suffocate everyone in the office...
yes you do. and it makes quite a fun elevator ride too.
Originally Posted by jdragunas
what's that stupid hand shake, body hit guys do? That's so stupid! What's with handshakes in general? Just say hi.
oh and what's with the cheesy hugs you give eachother??? you act like you haven't seen eachother in years with that whole "hey girlfriend!!!" embrace. and the only reason we hug you and give up our handshake rule is so we can press against yer chest.
Originally Posted by jdragunas

we dont stare other girls down when driving by them so we can play the "macho" game...
naw, y'all just plot on how to steal your friend's man while playing the jealousy game. :joy:


hugs are affectionate, and apparently men are too homophobic to be able to do that. Girls are better because they're more confident in their sexuality.


Active Member
Girls are better cause , we can have babies and we know how to multi-task(something men can NEVER do as good as us) And have boobs!
But in guys defense... they are MORE than just a paycheck, they can be very loving and supportive


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
hugs are affectionate, and apparently men are too homophobic to be able to do that. Girls are better because they're more confident in their sexuality.
Hear, hear!!!


guys hug other guys but only if it's a good friend or brother. we don't just go hugging everyone and everything cause it's supposed to be a token of respect & affection. not everyone gets respect so the rest get a simple handshake.
and of COURSE girls are more confident in sexuality regarding same---- issues. nearly every guy and most girls don't see anything wrong w/ 2 girls making out. YET nearly every guy and most girls get nauscious when they think of 2 dudes gettin it on.
but as far as overall sexual confidence......HA! you gotta be KIDDING. guys don't spend hours in front've the mirror every morning fritzing our hair and piling paint on our faces. guys don't spend ridiculous $$$ on clothes that will hopefully make em look sexy. guys don't ask their friends at least once a week if we think we're getting fat. know why? cause we're more sexually confident.
not to mention the fact that most relationships are started because the guy approaches the girl...


Active Member
i thought this was about who is "Cooler" not who is better... i would have to say guys... call it bottled up or a lack for showing emotion, but guys typically dont lose their cool in most situations...


Active Member
SNAP this.......
if a female did not have some sort of make up........she would be considered a plain jane. Most women that aren't confidnant in their looks is due to the male gender drooling over something they can probably never have. If two women who had the same body type sat next to each other but one had no make up and simple clothes . The other women had full face styled hair, tight jeans, low cut blouse etc........WHO do you think your gonna look at???
And don't get me started on the fat thing. Your beer guts big or little are exceptable..............OURS wether its beer or a few extra lbs OR after baby are not exceptable.


Active Member

Originally Posted by ruaround
i thought this was about who is "Cooler" not who is better... i would have to say guys... call it bottled up or a lack for showing emotion, but guys typically dont lose their cool in most

No, they just start a fight (some) ***)


Originally Posted by soto
guys don't spend hours in front've the mirror every morning fritzing our hair and piling paint on our faces. guys don't spend ridiculous $$$ on clothes that will hopefully make em look sexy. guys don't ask their friends at least once a week if we think we're getting fat. know why? cause we're more sexually confident.
i do not do one of those things...
but most girls do because guys are SOOO picky about girls. girls are self conscious about guys because they're ALWAYS looking for the hot girl. Girls are less shallow, so guys don't feel the need to look good like girls do. Guys turned girls into what they are and now you're whining about it? WTF? When a girl wants you to do something, and you do it, we don't whine about the end result, we're proud that you even remembered to do something we ask for.
Girls don't come up with lame excuses for EVERYTHING!!! Honey, did you mow the lawn... "oh i was gonna but then there was this big ass bee near the mower, so i sat down to watch the game instead"... "honey, did you wash the dishes after i slaved over the stove for an hour making you an absolutely wonderful dinner"... "uhhh, i was too full... i'll do it tomorrow"... tomorrow comes... "did you do the dishes"... i'll do it tomorrow.... did you do the dishes? i'll do it tomorrow... 4 days later "i thought you said you'd do the dishes"... "WOMAN, WHY ARE YOU NAGGING ME???" WTF is that all about???? do what you say you're going to do, or don't say you'll do it. Girls don't say anything just to make a guy happy, yet guys do it all of the time, and when they fall through on their word, we're nagging...


Originally Posted by lovethesea
SNAP this.......
if a female did not have some sort of make up........she would be considered a plain jane. Most women that aren't confidnant in their looks is due to the male gender drooling over something they can probably never have. If two women who had the same body type sat next to each other but one had no make up and simple clothes . The other women had full face styled hair, tight jeans, low cut blouse etc........WHO do you think your gonna look at???
And don't get me started on the fat thing. Your beer guts big or little are exceptable..............OURS wether its beer or a few extra lbs OR after baby are not exceptable.

missin the point though. i'm not complaining about women wearing makeup. 95% of the time it helps out. i'm just showing WHY they do. it's deriven from sexual insecurity. sometimes it's extreme, sometimes just a tad bit. nonetheless, sexual insecurity.
again, with the fat issue. of course fat girls aren't as attractive. same thing with fat guys. BUT you don't see us on the extreme paranoia trip over it. that was the whole issue.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
busted a chic yesterday diggin for gold a an intersection... .

eeewwww.......I guess no kleenex was available???
OH, and girls are cooler because we don't mind asking for directions!


Originally Posted by soto
missin the point though. i'm not complaining about women wearing makeup. 95% of the time it helps out. i'm just showing WHY they do. it's deriven from sexual insecurity. sometimes it's extreme, sometimes just a tad bit. nonetheless, sexual insecurity.
again, with the fat issue. of course fat girls aren't as attractive. same thing with fat guys. BUT you don't see us on the extreme paranoia trip over it. that was the whole issue.
i made a valid point on this above... we only try to look our best because you only chose the best... end of story... we win that one, whatcha got now?