Who's funnier, Will Farrell or Chevy Chase?



Two of my favorites... just wondering who everyone prefers. Actually I think there comedy is pretty similar. Farrell seems to have been influenced by Chase.


Active Member
Definately Will Ferrell. While Chevy Chase did have his moments, Ferrell is know for immediate adlib, in pretty much any setting. If you watch commentary, on any Ferrell DVD, you'll hear about how he adlibed half the movie and it was so good that they just kept it and incorporated it into the movie.


Active Member
True...but, Chevy Chase played almost the same likeness in all of his movies...Fletch, Caddyshack, Funny Farm...
Ferrell can/has played numerous roles, with very different characters....Ron Burgandy, Bewitched, Old School....all completely different characters, but he pulls them off so well.


Active Member
Will Ferrell. I Liked Chevy in all the National Lampoon Movies and Caddy Shack but other then those I think he sucks. Will Ferrell was great in S&L (better then Chevy), he was great as Frank the Tank and almost made the Anchorman tolerable (very poorly written movie).


Originally Posted by AW2
True...but, Chevy Chase played almost the same likeness in all of his movies...Fletch, Caddyshack, Funny Farm...
Ferrell can/has played numerous roles, with very different characters....Ron Burgandy, Bewitched, Old School....all completely different characters, but he pulls them off so well.

Don't forget about one of my personal favorites... Night at the Roxbury (Is that the name? my brain is fried from lack of sleep)

darth tang

Active Member
Will Farrel seems to fit the mold of the newer comedians. Lets scream loudly while talking and it will be funny.
I disagree...most comedians now including Farrel fall short when compared to the likes of Prechildren eddie murphy, richard prior, John Candy, steve martin, and Chevy Chase.
The only loud comedian I like is Adam Sandler.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
Don't forget about one of my personal favorites... Night at the Roxbury (Is that the name? my brain is fried from lack of sleep)

Yeah, with Kris Kattan...another one of my favorite comedic actors. The only bad thing about Kattan is that while I think he's a brilliant comedian, he has always taken really, really bad roles in really, really bad movies. The best role he had was in Undercover Brother. Other than that, his movies have sucked, big time.


Active Member
Chevy Chase by FAR!!! Will Ferral lost me when he did the spartans cheerleading skit...Chevy IS the king of Slap Stick, he and John Ritter wrote the book...and you cant say that Will Ferral isnt type cast...All of his roles are about Morons, Idiots, Simplistic Persons, (except In starsky and hutch)... he is good and has some gr8 1 liners
Everybody Look at me...Look how Good I Look
scothch scotch scotch...i love scotch
San Diego means a Whales v_ _ _ _ _...
...but not better than Chevy Chase!!!
"so what are you doin this nape of the woods...neck of the way?"
"sooo...what do ya say we go to the patio room?"
too many to list...


Active Member
ohhh...forgot to mention that every movie Will Ferral is in all of the other SNL/Ben Crew are in those movies...Chevy hardly ever had a supporting cast and as many other talented actors in the same movie...


Active Member
Bewitched, Anchorman, Old School, Elf......that's just 4 that I can think of, that didnt have any other SNL cast in (that I remember seeing).
I'm not saying Chevy Chase wasnt funny, but he doesnt have near the diversity and originality, as an actor.


Irwin F. Fletcher and Clark (Sparky) Griswold... nothing Farrell did compares to these two


Active Member
Originally Posted by jcrim
Irwin F. Fletcher and Clark (Sparky) Griswold... nothing Farrell did compares to these two

I will admit....nothing Ferrell has done, up to this point, has been anywhere close to the comedic performances of Clark Griswold.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AW2
Bewitched, Anchorman, Old School, Elf......that's just 4 that I can think of, that didnt have any other SNL cast in (that I remember seeing).
What I said was SNL/Ben Crew...meaning anyone from SNL and the Ben Crew meaning Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, etc. etc. etc. One of these actors has appeared in everything that Will Ferral has done (that I have seen...I havent seen Elf)


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
Ben Crew meaning Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, etc. etc. etc.
Ahhhhhhh...I see now.